Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I have started a tumblr account in order to experiment with the program as well as a way to share photos from my time here. Obviously, all my photos are in my Picasa album, which can be accessed via the link on the right. Yet, I know some people don't want to or would be overwhelmed at looking through a bunch of photos all at once. So, I'll try to share a photo or so every day via tumblr. I'll do it in chronological order, so it'll be a bit like a visual journey through my Peace Corps experience.

You can find it here: http://kferr027.tumblr.com/. It's called Ken's Tumblr 2, because I had some complications setting up the first blog. You can follow it by clicking on the link above and checking that website periodically. Although I think you have to have a tumblr account to make comments and stuff like that. You can avoid having to check it if you use an RSS feeder (like Google Reader), if you do, try adding http://kferr027.tumblr.com/rss to the feeds you follow. I'll still post here fairly often, with longer posts that will still include related pictures. Also, I'm not super connected to what's cool in America these days, so if tumblr is totally yesterday, feel free to let me know ;)

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