Saturday, October 16, 2010

Todo bien

Todo bien, or, everything's all right. I will blog more about my life here in Costa Rica soon, but it is going wonderfully, I'm in a town with a host family and my week is filled with Spanish classes (mine's quite rusty) and classes with the whole group in a central town
for lessons on teaching methods and cultural adaptation. Both the training hub town and where I live are located in the Central Valley, the area that holds San Jose, Heredia, Alajuela, and Cartago-the majority of Costa Rica's cities. I'm using some of my spare time to finally write up some thoughts on my two years in China. Internet is pretty sparse in my training town and training takes up a fair amount of time, so posts might take awhile. There is lots to learn in our three months of training to get us ready to be Volunteers, so lots of time is spent reading and doing worksheets. Included are some pictures from a walk around the woods with one of my many host brothers.

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